My name is Finn, I'm a nerdy 15 year old from Argentina. My birthday is on May 24th. I speak English and Spanish, but I'm planning to learn other languages like Italian. I use he/him and it/its pronouns, you can use both or stick to one of those when referring to me. I identify as a bisexual trans person (ftm). I'm an introvert, a huge dork, and a foodie. I like drawing, playing videogames, reading comics (mainly DC), and listening to music. You can check my "reviews" page if you're interested in what kind of media I like, maybe you'll find something you like too.
What is this website? It's just a personal project I made for fun. Originally, it was supposed to be an archive for some comics I was planning to make (hugely inspired by ranfren), but I abandoned that idea and decided to turn it into something more personal where I could share stuff about my life with strangers from the internet. I know some of the things here are extremely private but I don't mind sharing it with people who don't know me irl.
I'm still learning html, css, and javascript, I don't really know what I'm doing, but if it works it works, right? I'm obviously doing all of this with the help of internet tutorials and taking inspiration from other neocities (you can find my main sources of inspiration in my "links" page, if you're interested) Another big inspiration is the videogame "Yume Nikki", I like the vibes of it. Each page is "its own little world", similar to each different dream from the videogame, and some pages contain music from it. And what does phynelm mean? In case you're wondering... The first part, "Phyn", is a different way to spell my name. The second part, "Elm", is basically the letters that look similar to my name. The E looks like an F, the l is like an i, and the m is like a double n. Pretty cleaver, huh? ;)